Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Time passes

I was talking recently with a friend about what we do, girls, and began to enumerate them, feeling sorry for me, my last weeks - months? years?, those in which my son was sick and had a fever, so I ran all night in the ER and from there they sent me home with an ironic grin telling me that, yes, it's a virus that fuss as more cool kids.
And do fever, so the story went, 3, 4 in the morning, in the coming days. 7 Meanwhile, fresh, PR smile, I had to be at work, then the courses Dutch child was at home, not eating and not feeling well, then my husband became ill and had lain, a few days.
In fact, after classes I have on the Dutch master - from 6-10 pm and I remembered that I have two projects to be finished and to teach them this week, that I wrote a long time ago and that neglect my required readings, I look like hell and there I stopped combing a week, these shampoos luck and evil substances you stuck in a picture publicly acceptable.
Then my jaw was swollen and I went to the dentist and he told me, with a superior air, they are oh my ass and it is a serious business and that you neglect, lady, 35 years of your e inadmissible also have problems, then I ran there again in courses where they told me that I must justify absences and there children call home, not have to sit their ass all the time after that, the , longer sick children, then I went home and I had a fight with my husband.
At home, the child told me it was my turn to get up with him this morning, and did not understand why not do that, lately, after I spent so much to him and he saw on television a pretty blonde dancing and wants to change me, like a mother smiling and shaped, like that, to dance with him at home all the time. After that I thought I had to do the food, it would not hurt to wash some laundry in May, that I have no idea what lies in the freezer and that and gathered dust. On my treasure belly ached, but he never complained ears or head.
In college, I met with some colleagues who asked me if I was sick and told me that I have dark circles, I look pretty crappy and that should take some pills or something.
The evening had to come to a party - be glamorous, I said, I had jaw all swollen, sore and hurt a little louder than the chest, the party relaxed world, people with normal jobs, relatively balanced daily rhythm, good humor includes both. We had 16 inches heels and knees were hurting me so I stayed over in convenient positions, I assumed the role of photographer.
Then I got home and looked at the clock, it was almost one. Tic-tac - one minute, two minutes, I went to the bathroom mirror, to feel sorry for me and when I looked there I saw a woman of 35 years, two months, three weeks, eight hours and two minutes. And I realized that no matter how much compassion I managed to collect for me the minute the needle goes forward, and three, and four. As time goes by as much calm, anger and helplessness over my daily shit everywhere, silk stockings and heels over 16 cm and over and over simulations and glamor over the hours lost in traffic. That why I did not expect anyone any confirmation of my inner beauty or power, from anyone, besides me, fuck wife dressed compassion and sensitivity and that time did not turn anyone absolutely anyone back that every day is fundamentally important and should not live in the past, because if you slipped into this dumb mistake, their crap, wine, bury you, you sing and give some boiled wheat, alms, for your soul, then, bye, see you after seven years, or not, it is no longer practical.
Then I looked again in the mirror and I saw it. She was kidding, of feeling, I would say, with his right knee, makeup flawless, one of that, the pops, you know, when you see her on the street, but that still would not put up with you, you are dependent and weak and she's beautiful and has a free and exceptional family and when stepping on earth knows he can see a handbreadth above, over umbrellas. Show that picture to say it's made by a crazy guy who wants the same moment to kiss you all over, from head to heel, and the camera instantly. What picture hard, told me the next day, my friend, who you did it, frisky hopelessly in love with a guy?
I did, I single, beautiful and proud of me, I was that guy, I was so dear to me, I love me die, I got it last night at 35, two months, three weeks, eight hours and two minutes, the first time in my life when I saw in the mirror.

Tic-tac, girls! Time passes and nobody, absolutely nobody, do not back out of the way.

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Monday, February 2, 2015


I'll tell you two stories "paranormal" (so to speak) that happened to me the other day. I'm sure many of you have already experienced, but maybe you did not put too much attention. Of course, I've lived them, but I happened to date to have some of them for two consecutive days. And I also explain to them.
So the other day, I was led to an urgent envelope courier. I go into the office and in front of me was a person in the chair. Although I could see the front profile (standing with his back to me), however, it seemed that looked great with Rex, my old friend from college. "Rex, he's certainly!" I thought in mind and immediately came to my beautiful thoughts about the events that we have with him during the years of study. Of course, I intend to address him as soon as he rose from his chair ... but terrible disappointment! Yes, too much like Rex, but he was not! Ohhh ... and not seen him for about two years and no I did not know his phone number to be had! I would like to exchange a few words with him!
When my turn came, I sat on the chair resigned envelope and sent to operators. After about 5 minutes, when to leave the premises, with thoughts already elsewhere, I get a slight slap in the belly. In front of me is .... REX !!! I could not believe it !! And he came to office courier to pick up an envelope. I mean, how so ... 5-10 minute ago it seemed that I see him, I thought about him, and yet he was not even in 10 minutes ... and meet him! A coincidence or what happened !? Really coincidence ??
Good ... and get to yesterday, when I happened something very similar! In the town where I live for a while, I have a rented house with garage. The owner, Paul, is an old acquaintance of mine, but we rarely see (usually in March of each year, when I pay him the rent for one year). And that, because he works in another city, it's very busy and his time is limited. I was returning home yesterday morning after an output short when in front of the house and see my garage parked a car. I was not known ... I look at the number plate (TPD was like ... anyway T and P were my knowledge and initials, Paul!). Just popped in my head, like a flash, the following idea: "Did Paul came to town? But why did not announced? Could that be his new car? "However, there can also be a foreign car, which had not found parking in the area (where there are several institutions) and needed to park it for a while in front of my house. I entered the house after I took a shower, over a quarter of an hour, when I looked out the window I found that the car left, which is why I could not see who got into it ... Anyway, I'm left with the idea that Paul could be, although that did not understand the past and to me.
About an hour working on the computer when I heard two beats at the door. "Postman" was my first idea. Open the door and when there was ... himself PAUL! I ask him first if he had parked my car in front of the garage until about an hour ago and he replied that "No!" He had another car, another registration number ... and now passed on to me, coming directly from the city where he lives, for urgent help with a personal thing. What strange situation !! And coincidence? Again I feel suddenly the idea that a person, you rarely see, you might visit me, and very little over time, this idea materializes!
There is a theory of a great scientist who said at one point that when multiplied coincidences, is a sign that your life is about to end. So be it!

What is actually happening? Be these two events, apparently trivial, evidence shows me that we live in a world of illusion, a holographic projection, in which everything works like a film, and if you mind more "given" all the ideas and flashes are can materialize? Or perhaps we humans unconsciously perceive events in the near future? If the last sentence would be true, then it means that we still have the chance to change the near future, if we are very attentive to the signs that we are shown ... I look forward to seeing if today we part of a story "paranormal" like ...

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Monday, November 3, 2014


Hi, I'm Corinne! When staying home more in the kitchen, because there I allowed to smoke. I smoke like a Turk and drink coffee all like him because they do it in a brass pot and simmer.
I would rather drink it on the patio, especially now that summer, because I have a small terrace in front of my house, but can not. You can not because they live in a suburb, on a street in a small town, and my patio is very close to the street and, therefore, the sidewalk over which quite a few pedestrians at that early hour. How are young (just what I've been twenty-five years, not less than ten months then) and look pretty good, all male carrier pants, getting in and out on the street, feels obliged (he can not otherwise ) let me take a look. Glances longer lustful, short, accompanied by insinuating smiles, intrigue (what does this look in her balcony to drink coffee?) And others, and others, which more. I feel like a professional display in a shop window, waiting for customers. Let us understand, I do not lack guts, can ever return to the ice beast lightning glances and I would do that if it is one, or two, but they are many and ... becomes tedious and savor the satisfaction disappears liquor blessed. Not to mention the suit that Eve and I sleep in the house wearing a tiny black silk gown adorned with large flowers of poppy, with nothing underneath. Just a moment of inattention and a gust of wind made the wife could produce revelations ... incendiary as recently happened to poor Laura Pausini on stage in Peru.
So, in the kitchen, at the table, legs, smoked and drank coffee. A fly appeared from nowhere and began to waltz through my kitchen and taking that echoed with buzzing so, so annoying. I placed the windows and open them occasionally when to do general cleaning, but found it bites a place where to go. I took the red SWATTER and we executed it. It sat on the table, right next to the cup of coffee and move in small beam antennas and her slender legs like knitting something. I left in her than a black spot. I hate flies, therefore I put nets on the windows and bought an envelope and do not want to brag as The Valiant Little Tailor I ever killed ten in one shot, but I killed enough. But now I had a regret, I was sorry that I killed her.

Hundreds of millions of years of evolution from a spot kick low an envelope. Even if looked at with a microscope could not longer see traces antennae, legs, and wings her flimsy. It was a world in miniature, an entity that had a goal, a purpose in living and lower worlds, bacteria with their own aspirations. Other worlds within worlds, complex, fascinating and delicate, reduced to a spot kick an envelope. Yes, the death of a midge may be insignificant, or a disaster, depending on what angle you look. Do not know why I had that moment of weakness, to me all the flies were the same, I find that one is more beautiful or interesting as another. Perhaps if a giant eighty thousand times bigger than I am, we'd see me and Angelina Jolie, side by side, no he would not make any difference.
I love life, I am fascinated and in love with her. But sometimes willingly but most often unwittingly, kill. Yes, I know, it's outrageous! It's not nice to kill, especially for delicate and sensitive young lady. But paradoxically, life goes on, evolves and becomes stronger through ... death. Death frog tadpoles that it produces massive amounts do storks live. Most agile and fortunate of tadpoles, one in a thousand, get frogs, but not all of the frogs arrive to produce eggs. None of the bite that will not be born other flies, but the others were pretty smart, fast, and lucky to escape my SWATTER shot.
Now stay with iPad on your lap, feet on the table and write. I have long legs, tanned foot silk gown hanging on the side. I would not look bad in a commercial for the iPad, or coffee. Smoker. I Corinne, are at the forefront of the food chain, as I see with my mind's eye, almost naked, with feet on the ground, surrounded by blue and flavor of cigarette smoke. For me there is no a predator, I live (if I quit smoking) three to four times longer than my ancestors, the early hominids. How many children I want and no one is killing my children. Although I'm a natural and reasonable to kill a fly and are absolutely agree that storks to feed on tadpoles, frogs kids, my death or my children would be a catastrophe. If any of hominid, Australopithecus anything he or his wife would have stumbled upon the elixir of eternal life, it would be shown me how I look now? Now would be "admired" legs short, bowed and full hair. Brrrrr !!! I take cold just thinking.
Their death, generation after generation and natural selection has caused me to exist in this form (form completely acceptable). Maybe I should pour a few drops of red wine (the oldest, clean and good drink in the world) in their memory for their sacrifice unconscious.
How Somehow, mankind has discovered the elixir of life (long life yet) and the altered symbiotic dance between life and death dance that life always comes out stronger, more complex. We are already over 7 billion and even die, do not evolve. Not evolve because the most beautiful, most powerful and most intelligent of us chose to fewer children, or not to do at all. They left this "chore" on the shoulders of those who normally would not have had a chance to reproduce.
Over twenty thousand years people will look the same because people want to stay the same and nothing seems to prevent them. Homo Erectus was very pleased with himself, just as we are now, and that was after him and so we showed today. Lucky that I was after him.
Finally, with my SWATTER red, I do a great service to fly. If nothing changes, over several hundred thousand years man will be too weak and anemic longer keep an envelope in his hand, or too stupid to use it, while flies ...

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Monday, June 23, 2014


"A man sat at a metro station in Washington DC and started to play the violin; it was a cold January morning. He played six Bach pieces for about 45 minutes. During that time, since it was rush hour, it was calculated that 1,100 people went through the station, most of them on their way to work.

Three minutes went by, and a middle aged man noticed there was musician playing. He slowed his pace, and stopped for a few seconds, and then hurried up to meet his schedule.

A minute later, the violinist received his first dollar tip: a woman threw the money in the till and without stopping, and continued to walk.

A few minutes later, someone leaned against the wall to listen to him, but the man looked at his watch and started to walk again. Clearly he was late for work.

The one who paid the most attention was a 3-year-old boy. His mother tagged him along, hurried, but the kid stopped to look at the violinist. Finally, the mother pushed hard, and the child continued to walk, turning his head all the time. This action was repeated by several other children. All the parents, without exception, forced them to move on.

In the 45 minutes the musician played, only 6 people stopped and stayed for a while. About 20 gave him money but continued to walk their normal pace. He collected $32. When he finished playing and silence took over, no one noticed it. No one applauded, nor was there any recognition.

No one knew this, but the violinist was Joshua Bell, one of the most talented musicians in the world. He had just played one of the most intricate pieces ever written, on a violin worth $3.5 million dollars.

Two days before his playing in the subway, Joshua Bell sold out at a theater in Boston where the seats averaged $100.

This is a real story. Joshua Bell playing incognito in the metro station was organized by the Washington Post as part of a social experiment about perception, taste, and priorities of people. The outlines were: in a commonplace environment at an inappropriate hour: Do we perceive beauty? Do we stop to appreciate it? Do we recognize the talent in an unexpected context?

One of the possible conclusions from this experience could be:

If we do not have a moment to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the world playing the best music ever written, how many other things are we missing?"

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Saturday, June 21, 2014

WHO WAS Pelorus Jack - DOLPHIN ?

Pelorus Jack was a dolphin - Risso's dolphin to be more precise. A wild dolphin who has never been trained, no one ever told him to do something and yet he has helped thousands of people.
In 1888, Pelorus Jack began working as a life as a pilot. He ICEP to guide ships through the treacherous waters swirling through the channel of 3 km between the two islands of New Zealand, a channel that can be crossed in 20 minutes, but is full of eddies, currents and rocks misleading. In 1888 appeared before the vessel Brindle. Some of the crew wanted to shoot him when he started to jump and play near the boat. Fortunately, the captain's wife intervened and stopped. Then, they noticed with surprise that guide them through the dangerous channel.
For 24 years, Pelorus Jack led ships through the channel. So great became the fame of Jack that Mark Twain and Rudyard Kipling traveled to New Zealand just to pass through the channel. They wanted to see the dolphin and join those who shout "Pelorus Jack is coming."
To accomplish its mission, Pelorus Jack was standing at the entrance to the canal until a ship approaching. Then he swam carefully before leading her dish a sure way. When the boat reached the other side, Jack returns to the channel mouth to wait for the next ship.
In 1904, a man aboard the SS Penguin tried to kill the Pelorus Jack firing a shotgun at him. Dolphin boat still led to the other side and continued to help sailors, but never ever came up driving the SS Penguin. It was sunk in 1909 and in the channel dangerous.
Following these events, all in 1904, on September 26, the Government of New Zealand proclaimed a law to protect him, Pelorus Jack. The penalty for injury dolphin was 100 pounds. So today is the only law on any legislative body of a country to protect a marine animal, the individual and not the species.
In 1912, Pelorus Jack was gone. Nobody knows what happened. Many rumors said he was shot by foreign sailors those places. However, after studying the existing photographs, marine biologists considered that Pelorus Jack was very old and most likely died of natural causes.
Pelorus Jack never asked reward, did not strike or not late for work. He stayed on duty for 24 years. What could be incredibly helpful!
Like this story true, our life is full of rocks and swirls of dangerous waters. If you let love lead us in life and lead Pelorus Jack dishes, will definitely arrive safely at the end of the road. When you love without distinction on enemies and friends, and everything that exists in the universe, can not be just a good man, a chosen soul, and your life is a long series of happiness.

Oceanography is a branch of science called biology. Oceanography deals with the study of life in the oceans and seas of this planet.
After all marine life on this planet is mostly because water occupies an area of about 74% of the planet - so are thousands and billions of species studied. About dolphins one of the most popular men around, writing / drawing / recorded since antiquity. It is also considered a god in some cultures, especially in communities that live in the thousands of islands in the Pacific Ocean. Dolphins are considered one of the most intelligent marine mammals and their brain resembles the human brain. All thanks to them and the way they are turning the issue of sound in water and electromagnetic field emissions were invented sonar equipment performance. About the quality and intelligence of dolphins are entire tomes written and probably will write. I will try to summarize my strict action above. Dolphins are social creatures and live in families. They interact well with people and are able to feel any change in the electromagnetic field and emission frequencies. So they feel kilometers distances understand these signals and respond to the call for help. For thousands of years, dolphins have saved lives after disasters naval and can be found in many stories, news or reports.
Maybe this dolphin had the opportunity to save at least one life and stored as in the area such events can happen. And led ships coming to the area to avoid then it can not save more than one - two lives. Telepathic dolphins we understand whether we like it or not, if you understand or not our intentions towards them. Based on this kind of attention and communication oriented jumps ships who ran the safest way. When was assaulted detained two aspects - the engine sound and perhaps aggression that came upon pain or noise. or intention. For these reasons, I think when the U.S. ship was in the area not previously granted. For it really does not matter what flag was - for it was the memory of aggression. Dolphins have a fantastic memory after years they recognize a voice, a person, a memory of an event - in this case a motor ship.
Dolphins do not act out of love but manifest a magical form of affection, joy, play and presence of mind to offer help. Training the easier if and communicate and interact well with children, which is why in some countries they are part of the educational programs and recovery of children with disabilities of any kind and autistic children (all in programs for children with various are of great help dogs and horses have the ability to empathize and send much affection, sincerity, trust, and confidence). It is true that there are powerful weapons in the depths if you are trained for it.
There are beings who observe and react to respect or lack thereof categorically refused any cooperation.
All beings of this planet respect himself - the man looks and thinks he has rights over all though many are their necks.
Indeed, they are good teachers more present life and can actually feel and doing exactly what they did for themselves and for life - and they react properly taking these decisions on the spot. Do not forget and do not forgive.
We have much yet to learn, but who knows, maybe the day we realize that we have rights and obligations to all forms of life - our large and diverse family of earthlings - we know how to live harmoniously balanced every day now.
Recently I was reminded how deeply impressed I was when I read Native American literature that whales and dolphins are known by many indigenous peoples as animals with a more superior part of human consciousness. Animals are considered to have accepted to live in the conditions offered to our planet and humans to balance the level of awareness and help to raise the level. Man, by the mere fact that it is positioned vertically and that is mostly inhabitant of the land, it feeds the misconception that the other animals that - and place their lives in other media than the man, would be lower. A big mistake is and that in many religious circles believe that man is superior and that God has made available for the benefit of all animals. These ideas, obsolete, hard will eliminate human consciousness unless serious intervention in spiritual education.
My guess is that everyone has a duty to inform and understand correctly that everything on this planet is not for human benefit, but to contribute to the harmonious development together through the cooperation of life on the planet. The very planet, Mother Earth, as it is common to be called, is a living organism and man's duty is to assist in the development of healthy behavior and life of all species regardless of the kingdom.
Unfortunately many people understand marine animals, and not only there just for pleasure and fun man. There are reports that even those people about whom I think are very civilized in their custom to entertain just aggression against these wonderful creatures of the oceans.

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Friday, June 20, 2014


I feel tired but no more than other nights they come home from work. Mechanical steps carry me through buildings. Today was payday loans, the day when "work for money". I worry, I have no problems, living with parents, therefore, money is only for "my soul". A beer with friends, a trip from time to time and other small occasional amusement. Life is beautiful.
- Give me some ... uncle, I hear a beggar beside me.

Clothes dull, sallow a relatively clean if we discount the sleeves and muddy shoes that you crush retina with their orange indicates a person to live in deprivation. But the scarf was once white, now it's uncertain color and gives me a feeling of insecurity. It's still summer. The head with bulging eyes sits perched on the short neck and is thrust into the blue collar shirt and a flower pot. Let's all have some thirty summers, the only spring you could say, perceiving it. Showing the dubious mists rising from the ground in the evening, and his voice is sweet and biting deep in the wood chainsaw tree. The man is stocky, strong, so my words come without them thinking:
- Go and tell him I rushed works. Are you big man may beg?
- I have nothing to eat, he answers him with a long look.
- It's my problem, I say, I'm away from him.
Now that I have distanced enough, it makes me think if I did well, and the man was indeed an unfortunate fate struck. My heart is good and used to help the others, but this time it seemed that they are lying. Is it good to help someone even if you know that you remember? God what he thinks? And if there is no God, then who keeps track?

Off ... by existential thoughts crop up my mind. Even so, is there God? I do not know. There are many who believe, and many who deny. I'm in the middle, I would have to decide whether to be with one or the other, I can not stay all my life undecided.
- John! hear a short cry from somewhere in the distance.
But who calls me? Maybe you looking for another, but the voice seems familiar. The darkness left over neighborhood dim lights does not help me much. The dense vegetation that grew awry through boxes that we call blocks, not seen almost anything. Because they are now just below the middle of the light of a lantern, can be seen from some distance, however, did not I see anything on three to four meters. To answer the call? Better to wait, but I will pull away from the bright strategic, darkness be my friend, not foe. I keep going another ten feet in half-light feature pedestrian areas in the neighborhood.
- John! Ina hear every voice, now it's much closer. Reach under the lantern and finally recognize the Dalin. In fact, his name Alin, but everyone tells Dalin as a doctor. He's eight years older than me, but we're good friends. It is said that on the night of college was called by someone who wanted to talk to him. He did not recognize his voice and said he wants to contact Alin. His reply remained memorable. "You do not live any Alin, this number can only talk to Mr. Doctor Alin. You call? "Since then he was told Dr.Alin then remained only Dalin.
- Where are you?
- Also, Dalin! I answer myself.
- John, you're a smart guy, let's talk a moment to sit on the bench there, telling me he showed me a bench in the driveway.
- We sit, why do not we, but you see a little nervous.
- Wait till you see what happened today at the hospital, he tells me pulling hard and soul.
- Calm down, and take it easy. Tell.
- You've heard of those who are declared dead and then come back to life?
- Yes, I heard medical errors.
- Nooo. I happened to me, tell him excitedly.
- You died and risen, Dalin?
- Not to me, an old lady. A patient of mine.
- How so?
- Three days ago he had a soul. I'm a doctor, God. I signed the death certificate. With my own eyes, I saw when quenched.
- And?
- Today came to me to tell me that a bad back, he was not comfortable coffin and stood dumbly in it.
He wanted a pill for that.
- What??? I do not believe it.
- Yes, those were her first words. I felt my heart stops. Then I came back a bit and put it to tell. He said he took her home two days ago and she returned last night. He woke up he was put in the coffin, and the cross was ready, but not scared. Got off the table, went to the kitchen and saw no one so he started to cook. Morning and returned sons with spouses and the whole procession, ready to take her to the grave.
- Unbelievable! I said laughing. This is too much! This can not be!
- Wait that's not all! Old lady proudly told me it was good that he got up, he had what human to all guests.
- Dalin, you laugh at me!
- I John, tell the truth! Can you imagine how shocked I was! I checked it and it was ice cold, had no pulse, was not responding to stimuli, it was gone. I do not sign death certificates as mayor.
- Weird random!
- You know there's something up there. John, I do not explain what I saw today, he says thoughtfully.
- Yeah ... I answer them. Then the moon as we both try to make their way through the clouds. It's quiet in the neighborhood. I began to pray silently watching the sky: "God, I can Dalin mind, maybe it was something normal, maybe a chance, but if there is God do a miracle." After several minutes of silence, began to speak:
- Dalin, I'm going to take the car, I'm suffocating in this town, I want to go somewhere where they can breathe fresh air.
- And here you have? It's quiet, the air is, it's much vegetation ...
- Dalin want to make tonight a walk, and do not want to be alone, I want to come with me. We must go together.
His blue eyes stared at me. Seems to be in a state of high tension. I do not know if his legs tremble a bit or jeans are in the breeze. Their movement stops and Dalin seems to have made a decision:
- I agree. Anyway, I am able to do anything.
More than half an hour I went out of town, riding on my car rattle you smoke and rattles louder than a tin can filled with screws. Dalin the way without saying anything. We silently if silence can be called that infernal noise that you remove the engine. Perhaps he orchestrated the vocal cords. We should shout to hear. I want to end up on a hill where I went on a trip when I was little. There are about thirty miles. up there. Freeze road seems to be lit by strong lights. City Lights is shrinking. Ghosts of shadows remain behind us. There are silhouettes of trees, buildings, roadside bushes.
Suddenly, I see a road that bends and feel my hands involuntarily pull the wheel right. Hardly fail to recover and stay on the main road that continues straight as a sword of light splits the night. I say in my mind, "Lord, a miracle tonight, ready to do anything." Then I ran without brakes. Maybe God wanted to do right, maybe there's a miracle that I'm looking for. I feel that something draws me to that road we went. I'll be back!
- What do Ioane? Dalin ask me puzzled.
- I missed the way, I tell him, to explain why the stop.
- But where are we going? I thought a walk without a precise target.
- I want to go to a special place, I say, trying to keep my composure.
- Good, but not long. If I'm not dizzy today, I do not ever climb into your car.
While doing maneuvers return under applicable law, wanting to make a stop and have a chat with an agent running in the middle of the night, my mind becomes increasingly curious. I expect my friend to reveal why I declined every time I invited him into my car. Short hair gives a benefit that far exceeds its actual age. Now I realize that even his blue shirt sits perfectly, even if seated sitting in an uncomfortable position. Passenger seat can not be given back because of a defect that the older I fix it yet. Therefore, Dalin you can not stretch your legs, and it is quite high. Mystery clothes remain. I all put on me, I look like I'm out with them without doing laundry stop in areas where iron master. But there are others, such as Dalin, outgoing and a perfect swamp immaculate.
I want to challenge:
- Why Dalin? Are you afraid of me? You think I'm a driver so weak?
- Nah ... but I'm scared to drive.
- But why go public transport, if you're afraid?
- It's different buses are great.
- But all cars are.
- It's true. However, they are not afraid. Five years ago I had a nasty accident and since then I can not drive, can not stand even as a passenger in a car driven by someone else. This is the first time you do it.
- And how did you get over your fear this time?
- I do not know, but I feel her. Now the only thing I fear is not my back.
- Do not worry, once you get past it, left behind, I say, beyond a Trabant.
Once you enter the side street we see such dips in the woods. Honestly, it's a little creepy for my soul. The ride starts to become an adventure. The road is wide and well paved. Do not worry. Unfortunately, that feeling over me again, only this time you have to turn left. It's a much smaller street. Over asphalt, only headlamps shed lights along the way. There are many curves and not see very far. Fear begins to find its way into our souls. Strangely, the powerful sound engine we courageous. If we go to the disco for us.
- Where are we going? I hear the voice of my companion, not more powerful than a whisper, or at least so it seems to me. Perhaps he spoke loud enough, but his voice barely slipped through the engine decibels.
- You'll see I say, trying to sound confident.
- But you know you have a problem with the motor plungers, he tells me trying to get out of the unfriendly landscape.
- Yeah ... Housewives beat rugs, cops beat criminals, cleats and beat them, it's the law of nature, I attempt to lighten the mood.
The forest starts after engine temperature I realize that my old lady Gauls do not agree with this rough road that climbs to an unknown destination. I see a retreat on the road and brakes. You must stop here. The engine can not. The car is too hot.
Raise the hood and let the cool night air to caress engine and spark plugs.
Dalin down frightened and looked around.
- Ioane you crazy? What are we doing here, in the woods at the edge of a ravine at this hour?
Take a look around desperately, want to give an answer to please him, but I see something in the drain, something that does not seem to be there. It does not fit with the landscape. Or can I trick the shadows of night. Concern focused there and even when Luna decides to emerge from the clouds and bright light.
There's a wagon broken down and it is clear a body. I do sign my friend.
Now look amazed and realize that a wagon went off the road and overturned in the ditch deep enough. We do not need any guidance. I go first to the person who is stuck under debris cart. It's a woman suffering terribly. Barely has the strength to whisper. I realize you are trying to tell me so I lean over it.
- Are you the angel? she asked.
- Yes, I say without thinking. Why?
- Two hours praying to God to send me an angel to save me and my daughter.
- Where is your face?
- It says she showed me a bundle of clothes a few yards away.
Dalin is fast there is a little baby, just a few months. Live. There seems to be nothing. I do a quick checkup and tell me it's okay. Then go to the mother. A barely out from under those leftovers. Earth and few rocks were involved with the collapse of the entire operation difficult. God, oh that Dalin's doctor. It took almost half an hour until the mother and her daughter were in my car. I arrived at the hospital soon enough. There Dalin asked me:
- Where should we get?
- Where we arrived at the accident.
- She will be fine, but do not last long. If he found one morning it was too late for her.
- I know, I said smiling.

foto credit: google.com

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Thursday, June 19, 2014


Mars was once cold and desolate planet filled with sand and craters, plains dotted with rocks sharp as glass swords. And cracks deep ocher land barren precipices. There were seas of red and impalpable powder, caverns, galleries, galleries million arranged into a bizarre and unsettling geographies.
Finally, Mars was not hospitable to people who always dreamed of man, they still inexhaustible channels all with isthmuses of vegetation and lichens astronomers optimistic. Mars was a world impossible, proud as a chestnut wild and domesticated and tamed is left only after a hundred and more years of fierce battles, extremely tough sacrifices.
When Francisco enters the seminary, the "heroic" period was ending. Still missing quite a few things, but electronic umbrella protect an area of almost half a million square kilometers across the planet optimal strip of between fifteen degrees north latitude and south. Is where the temperature was acceptable - which count in particular - could breathe freely. course, the percentage of oxygen in air was introduced into the circuit with a smaller than average. handicap, however, was offset by lower force of gravity, which was bearable even the toughest jobs.
Rises the seminary on the outskirts of the capital, Civitas. It was a gray building with two levels that it seemed enormous Francisco and especially very high. Francisco never go anywhere in Nueva Alborada, Iberian colony where he was born and raised near greenhouses and many criaderos for rabbits. Outside of school and church Father Gonzales, knew only prefab homes narrow all the way with the ceiling so low that you could not even hang him, then store's Bazaar Guillermo Atienza and relaxation room where you found them adults usually in shifts of rest. Nothing else.
On the morning of departure, even at dawn greets father just rising from bed, sleepy eyes. Felipe weary with the day before had done job Consuela, thus allowing women to handle preparations.
My mother accompanied him on the path that was a zigzag among the rows of houses, to the intersection with carretera. Father Gonzales already there waiting for him, muffled behind the wheel of the SUV.
The sadness of separation suddenly fell upon him like a hood of Ice and Fire. Simply stuck and Consuelo have to push it to the back, thus helping him to walk the last few meters. But then hugged him, slid slightly down on his knees to get at him with the illusion that you already see higher.
- Adios, Francisco, she murmured, kissing him on the eye. Let's not forget your mother!
Then he burst into tears, but Father Gonzales interjected
- Go home, Consuelo, Francisco is now of God.
Hands high priest grabbed him by the arms, feeling high off the ground and submitted as a package in the back seat of the vehicle. Motor function. Anxious, as if bitten by a tarantula, Father Gonzales springing up in place, raising a cloud of red dust.
Francisco turned futile: the cloud of dust, his mother was quite invisible, but he thought he hears it once again calling on the name. Then the road made a sharp turn, almost at right angles, and Francisco relapsed chair, resigned.
Without leaving the wheel, the parent over shoulder Gonzales gave him a handkerchief and he wiped his eyes full of dust and tears. The road was only pits and mounds, so that the vehicle is bouncing and making an infernal noise. Tucked away in a corner with both hands clenched the handle support, felt his teeth chattering Francisco and fear. The trip did not last long.
- Courage! Father Gonzales cried, turning for a moment. We arrived at the Ferrocarril.
The car slowed sharply in May made a hundred yards and stopped in a whirlwind of cracking and crackling.
Francisco looked around. For the first time see the track, but in fact there was not much to see: a small yellow building, bearing an inscription on top: ALBORADA NUEVA, a pen, a water basin painted in vertical stripes, red and white and shed about four feet high. Anything not see and there was nobody there.
Monorail glittered over the fence like a silver snake. A man with red cap suddenly appeared behind the yellow building. Father Gonzales, who descended from the vehicle, walked towards him. The two began to talk, but Francisco was absent and did not interest him and say that. From time to time, we both looked at the clock, then throwing glimpses into the monorail.
After a while, Father Gonzales waved him down.
- Oh, boy, it seems Rock'n'roll will be here in time.
And with a paternal gesture, he arranged the fur hooded coat. Then shook the man with the red beret car keys.
- Will come to take Don Cayetano, my help.
Finally, punctual as an eclipse, Rock'n'roll arrived and the noise he made was so great that Francisco should take their hands to their ears. Father Gonzales laughed, pushing him shoulder to make him climb.
With its elliptical coaches gray gasket seemed a huge rosary conducted along the rail. Passengers climbed to the top of some stairs on the sides fixed metal wagons. The following chart as a shed, was the goods.
Almost immediately, the train moved on. And Francisco had the opportunity to understand why wearing strange nickname: Rock'n'roll. Up there was like ... a roll that shake your stomach, a rocking and swaying like a sweet-smelling terrible nausea, as if the seal had always been on the verge of collapsing into an abyss.
After a few minutes, grabbed vomiting. Father Gonzales and raised his eyes and opened his arms wide, as a martyr. A man with a broad face and well defined cheekbones, almond-shaped eyes - a Japanese - handed her a handkerchief. Then he rummaged through his pockets and pulled out a yellow stick.
- Chew it, boy, 'he said. You'll see that you'll feel better.
It was not many people there. Two middle-aged women, fat abundant in needles moving, quietly, a bespectacled young man immersed in a game of chess with his computer pocket and two workers cinnabar colored overalls, holding the Mining Department. And Japanese comfort he from time to time, ruffling his hair and inviting him through a mimicry authoritative, suck rod.
Father Gonzales proceeds to read the summary. Came a janitor and clean, with a kind of vacuum, which he had failed to retain the baby's stomach.
Francisco took off his clothes, leaving standing with head supported by the porthole. The train was going at a speed appreciable touched on certain sections two hundred miles per hour, and images beyond lenticular glass is straddled in magmatic composition. Not all appear clear and smooth. It was rather a permanent deformation, which made the monotonous succession of cultures in a kaleidoscope of unexpected oddities. Of course, everything seemed Francisco's spectacular and extraordinary.
A little later, the train slowed sharply. Father Gonzales looked up from the page Breviary and stretching neck, looked out the window.
- We are in San Cristobal, said after a few moments of uncertainty.
Station was just like that in Nueva Alborada - a yellow building, water tank, shed. Stopping only last two minutes, the exact time required to unload machines. Rock'n'roll then moved on with a sharp howl like a beast mortally wounded, but this time Francisco Easier prolonged and intense acceleration.
Cross seal colony Iberian territory. After San Cristobal ago Andalusia, where the train did not stop. Do not stop any Asuncion, nor Eldorado and more than the Pueblo or Pueblo Pequeño Perdido.
- You get tired before the time, Gonzales said the father, seeing him stubbornly stuck to the window.
And asked him to sit down because the road was long, I had to reach Civitas than the evening. But he was now ruled by a devouring fever, opens its eyes greedy and insatiable, so not advice.
Meanwhile, the landscape changes. Now cultivated areas alternated with large empty regions and soil portable big purple rock, at first isolated, then more frequent and closer, until they came to form continuous belts and rack glassy sharp rocks. Far away where no electronic umbrella protection act, open mouths of canyons blue on the background of wild plateaus.

foto credit: google.com

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