With autumn mists descend from the mountains and at a glance, you said it made them even. He was tall and looked old, not because of appearance, but rather to ask that all children encounter in their way:
- How are you, you dear old man? that question, the children looked and felt lost in the land never could find no answer. Raised only in a later eyes and looked at him with happiness moves . Children and animals around him feel good ... and women ...
After several years, some have learned that his name CLARENCE. What never said neither yes nor no, people were accustomed to say so, though many doubted that this would be his real name. However, by nature, was quiet and rarely speak with one change householder that cut wood.
Like a strange ritual , every household in the small mountain settlement of a pile of wood prepared as they can cut him some day. She never paid, but eat with the family, and at night slept not at home but wrapping the coat is thick , lying in the stable next to animals that received snoring happy in their midst.
Sometimes in one year, when late to descend to the little hamlet at the foot of the mountains, a peculiar uneasiness settlement included. It seemed that all her breath freezes in a strange expectation and the pace of life with each passing day quietly and soon everything will stop. Then they arose shade high bunch of wool gray mist of a collective sigh accompanied him near the hamlet. Steps were followed by large and press eyed and hopeful greedy after fencing and curtains half drawn. For although they knew more about it, mountaineers quickly noticed one thing: the house where he stopped first wood cutter, it seemed that God puts his hand. If someone was down in bed, when the heat of the wood he cut after the smoke rise into the sky as the man got up as if nothing had not. And that was not all. Made of burnt wood smoke rises straight for heaven, no matter how hard it knocked the wind. As a mysterious link between earth and heaven.
If a family was carrying handle difficult and not from one year to another, when they enter the wood cutter yard seemed household is suddenly untie luck. All cattle seemed the nation rabbits and calves and foals grew overnight. And who endure to sell quickly found buyers and the price of wonder. Talking about him spread quickly and other settlements, but most do not believe anything because the man seen leaving hardly strangers. Nor households were not willing to give details, thinking that if I could convince others to go through their villages to cut wood, that would mean more rarely reach them. So he gave a shrug, making the ignorant and mystery wood cutter was kept as a valuable asset that belonged to the congregation. And if the foreigners do not speak hamlet households between them were not shy to give their opinions about the long winter evenings, spent the crackling wood stove that cut him.
-   He's a saint! Skip said, but everyone knew that this was bad and every Sunday church-beating long way in laying nearby to gape about the jobs held by a drunken priest and effeminate.
- There's one you think holy! Robert momentum cut it. Perhaps you have not seen drinking brandy and eat cum bacon. Saints do not drink brandy and does not eat bacon. Eating only roots and herbs ...
- Roots and herbs have eaten you when you started to talk, put things right Sam, widely traveled the world and smart as others. Holy, unholy, where luck man touch. Why split hairs you? Do not go right? Angry and want to go in another hamlet? Would be welcomed with open arms everywhere, so you know ... And if that does not get you, remember the Monty ...
They groaned as if all reviewed everything with your mind's eye. Monty was a landowner and grumpy miser who found any reason to quarrel. He was good, but was never satisfied. There seemed natural for others to increase wealth in one year but after a toil of a lifetime. One autumn, when he saw CLARENCE careless passes beside his yard as in previous years, has achieved severed road with a rifle that was used for poaching wild boar. It was good and drunk and stumbling in his mouth:
- So here you were, dude! This year I get to go anywhere or not ...
Households that watched the gates after they froze and held their breath. Once the story has tangled skein unwound all the way and began to blame each other that they did nothing, each said he believed that the earth will open and it will swallow the sinner.
- Oh, I thought it thunder-struck has said pious Skip of making high as the church steeple and cross ...
Not happened but none of this. Wood cutter Monty followed slowly in the yard and under the threat of cut kids began to cut wood. With the sound of the first century wood splitting ax, the lowing of cattle manure heard. Other wood, sawn, another roar of beef. Monty ran like the wind in the barn and to the cross. Cattle fell one after another with swollen bellies as would be eaten fresh alfalfa. They turned black from front to CLARENCE. A reinforced rifle bitter.
          - For me this is you, dude ? Monty raw laughed and pulled and the rifle has blossomed like a flower bloody face.
Once everything has passed and Monty was buried wood cutter moved to another house, of Greg, where he began to cut wood as if nothing had happened. Householder who sat a few years down fall of a tree crushed, bruised and full of pus, when freshly cut wood smoke rises straight for heaven, and he rises from bed. He went out of the house, ran nimbly by CLARENCE and gave feet to be cast to thank. With a gesture, he stopped and although not much was heard talking, said:
- For my work I was properly mankind. And for others, only the good Lord knows why you want to thank me.
Greg not said anything to spend just in tears until I saw him. Then, returning to the house where smoke ascended straight to heaven, drew a deep breath and said to him:
 - I trust that this smell of incense smoke and brimstone not ...

After a while of Monty animals recovered and people have remembered that his rifle was Monty old, skimpy as it was, did not want to buy another, although many people said that old thing going to  crack head one day. What he did not like to remember the incident, soon forgotten litter over it.
Female part of the settlement have another opinion:
- This is a man who has suffered much in love, passionate Ronda said. So I feel like this stuff and I'm not mistaken. He retired as a hermit in the mountains, but the man does not give him peace. When me, I go all horror ...
- Leave, Ronda that thrills you when you go look at Saints church responded despite women.
- I go, indeed, Ronda Keep inferior, and so painted them as they pass.
-  Sinful! women laughed and turned away giving permission and elbows and making small crosses. In a hamlet so small it was hard to know that young widow for several years, first steps boys guide paths sweet love. Oh, and some householders May his place stepped the yard to watch tonight, but as ever arise not hatred, it was passed over in silence.
And it seemed that however, Ronda was finally right, even though many did not come to believe. For a few years after he chose the only known cause or another household as if they have escaped the care of tasks that can not be postponed, bullet headed towards the house of Vern, seated man, thrifty and prudent. All gave their guessing, but eventually overcomes Ronda opinion:
         - Precise Vern that little resembles the woman he love her before. Listen to what I say: in a year or two, when a small increase snotty kid that we see sitting at his house ...
- Are you crazy, said all hoping to make mistakes. You do not see the old man is ... And how immature is Selma Vern ...
In that happened, everyone hoped that Ronda to not be true, but the facts have occurred with such rapidity that no one had time to say anything, not to do anything.
When she entered Vern's yard to cut wood pile ready as usual around him gathered the children and dogs. The children sat in a circle around him and watched him with fascinated eyes take turns as each timber is then put on the block by rotating determined, it splits into two or four, by size. And if all children longer understood him at all, nobody understands what attracts human dogs around. Crowding among children and curious eyes stared at the man in front of them as if they were cut sausage, not wood. However, it is certain that there was never any dog ​​barking. Beyond the circle made by children and dogs stopped to Vern, Selma. Tall and skinny, was leaning against a house and stared at the man who cut wood, chewing nails her anxious.

Once it has passed, the children tried to tell, but each said something so big could not find. The safest seemed to be that, at some point, supporting a tree that would not be alone on the block, CLARENCE looking up to Selma. Even at that moment, started rough ax down, children froze, and for the first time on the eve of CLARENCE, dogs snarl grieving. Gaze at the wood fell big red drops of blood, Selma approached the man. He kept his hands on his face and all that I thought looked complain, because his shoulders shook with large movements. Only when Selma took his hands from his face, he saw that CLARENCE laughed happily. And when the girl broke a piece of shirt to tie him happy eyes looking at him like waking from a spell, the children were scattered to play and gambol off the dogs ...

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                                            HAVE A NICE DAY !!!!

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