I'll tell you two stories "paranormal" (so to
speak) that happened to me the other day. I'm sure many of you have already
experienced, but maybe you did not put too much attention. Of course I've lived
them, but I happened to date to have some of them for two consecutive days. And
I also explain to them.
So the other day, I was led to an urgent envelope courier. I
go into the office and in front of me was a person in the chair. Although I
could see the front profile (standing with his back to me), however, it seemed
that looked great with Rex, my old friend from college. "Rex, he's certainly!" I thought in
mind and immediately came to my beautiful thoughts about the events that we
have with him during the years of study. Of course I intend to address him as soon
as he rose from his chair ... but terrible disappointment! Yes, too much like
Rex, but he was not! Ohhh ... and not seen him for about two years and no I did
not know his phone number to be had! I would like to exchange a few words with
When my turn came, I sat on the chair resigned envelope and
sent to operators. After about 5 minutes, when to leave the premises, with
thoughts already elsewhere, I get a slight slap in the belly. In front of me is
.... REX !!! I could not believe it !! And he came to office courier to pick up
an envelope. I mean, how so ... 5-10 minute ago it seemed that I see him, I
thought about him, and yet he was not even in 10 minutes ... and meet him! A
coincidence or what happened !? Really coincidence ??
Good ... and get to yesterday, when I happened something
very similar! In the town where I live for a while, I have a rented house with
garage. The owner, Paul, is an old acquaintance of mine, but we rarely see
Did Paul came to town? But why did not
announced? Could that be his new car? "However, there can also be a
foreign car, which had not found parking in the area (where there are several
institutions) and needed to park it for a while in front of my house . I
entered the house after I took a shower, over a quarter of an hour, when I
looked out the window I found that the car left, which is why I could not see
who got into it ... Anyway, I'm left with the idea that Paul could be, although
that did not understand the past and to me.

About an hour working on the computer when I heard two beats
at the door. "Postman" was
my first idea. Open the door and when there was ... himself PAUL! I ask him
first if he had parked my car in front of the garage until about an hour ago
and he replied that "No!"
He had another car, another registration number ... and now passed on to me,
coming directly from the city where he lives, for urgent help with a personal
thing. What strange situation !! And coincidence? Again I feel suddenly the
idea that a person, you rarely see, you might visit me, and very little over
time, this idea materializes!
There is a theory of a great scientist who said at one point
that when multiplied coincidences, is a sign that your life is about to end. So
be it!
What is actually happening? Be these two events, apparently
trivial, evidence shows me that we live in a world of illusion, a holographic
projection, in which everything works like a film, and if you mind more
"given" all the ideas and flashes are can materialize? Or perhaps we
humans unconsciously perceive events in the near future? If the last sentence
would be true, then it means that we still have chance to change the near
future, if we are very attentive to the signs that we are shown ... I look
forward to see if today we part of a story "paranormal" like ...
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