Do not waste the childhood!

I revolt when I see people around me looked to be parents because they are too busy to be poor. It's sad to get your child refuse to childhood because I have money movie at the mall!
In the building where I lived with my family, a single mother lived. He lived on the top floor, in a bitter two-bedroom apartment. I was peeling walls every winter and her child, a boy of the same age with me, was the best football in our childhood community.

Biscuits, water and stories
Not that we were the rest of us, rich as arab sheikhs, it was obvious that that woman was sipping tea without sugar for reasons other than diet. There was even a TV. The father did not know anything, never appears in the landscape did not even know if I was alive or not. The fact is that her house was always full of kids. We climb to the top floor as we fill our souls with stories of children. Because the mother was able to send us a glass of plain water, give us a biscuit and keep us wide-eyed, so her red carpet strung time just telling us a month-n and n stars . Without realizing it, what do today was with us children to personal development
courses for parents nowadays pay more forces. We talked about wealth: what we read, what we know, what talents we have. He went on trips overseas countries believe that many invented it. However, on rainy days or cold, after coming from the furniture factory where he worked sometimes ten hours a day. Her work was one of the physically exhausting, but very relaxing of physically, which I think gave him the strength to resist and to "lead" us into the world of children's stories. Sometimes shift work and night they slept situation where the kid alone. And to understand, we had no more than 6 or 7 years.

Why we teaching?
We children used to, learn from various reasons: the fear of parents, teacher, notes. On one field, in teaching and pleasure. The kid tell you heartily learn authentic. Visa already a future in which he would become an engineer and his mother move opposite blocks to a house that was going to build it. For him, it was a learning tool out of poverty. For us, a burden which kept us from playing. I do not know whether or not fulfilled his dream, I hope so. He was clever and talented football. His mother came in the afternoon and stopped there on the lawn where the boys were playing football. Us girls sat on blankets and play with dolls. And she sat next to us. It was broken by fatigue. He had lipstick on her lips, but she had a smile so warm and incredible availability to comb hair plastic dolls while looking instead to his son-how gave goal after goal in improvised. Not saying anything, just shook his fists in delight.

Childhood is not money
Back then, maybe it was the difference between money have tea with sugar and one without. Now the differences are large. Our children will more than we wanted. But the woman's colossal effort not to put emphasis on the evil and bring light into the darkness of stories and imagination poverty is an example from which we all learn. For this it seems folly to ignore your child, too busy to think about why not instead give him the joy of riches for which there are no bank loans than imagination and love. Let's get him out to the park to play, if you have money do not know what sport sophisticated. Learning a foreign language with him shoulder to shoulder, since you how to enroll in courses with specialized teachers. Let's make a cake for his birthday phenomenal house to celebrate him like old times with friends in the living room, if you can not afford not know what lasers or spas for girls. Because poverty is not a reason to let life pass you by or on Lang childhood moments your child, too caught up in their fears and frustrations and helplessness. After all, what's a rich kid who can not only kicking the soccer ball leather expensive than one that will love to play with any finds or invents handy? Life's more on improvisation than on labels, more about adaptation than about resignation - skills that make any kid in the world rich.

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